App iconLifeliner

Terms and Conditions

October 2022

1. Definitions

1.1 Lifeliner App: Mobile application for Android and iOS which shows live activities of aircraft on a map, enriched with extra information.

1.2 Developer: The maker of this app. registered with the Dutch chamber of commerce # 24429887.

1.3 User: All persons using the Lifeliner App

1.4: Premium user: Paying user of the Lifeliner App

2. User license

2.1 The user of the app is granted a non-commercial usage license

2.2 It is not allowed to share or redistribute screenshots or artwork from the app for commercial purposes

3. Disclaimer

3.1 Although the developer has put in full effort to make the app as accurate and with as little usage disturbances as possible, the developer has no liability for incorrect, missing data or any disturbances in the service.

3.2 Developer maintains the right to cancel the app at any given moment. Active subscriptions will automatically be halted at that moment. (One time) Payments made in the past will not be refunded.

4. Refunds

4.1 Refunds are only giving through the portal of purchase, being Google Play or the AppStore.

5. Other provisions

5.1 Dutch law is applicable on this Terms and Conditions. Any disputes have to be taken to Dutch court.